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Tvseries: Walker

Surrender to yourSelf.THE reboot of THE 1993 SerieS focuSing on Walker aS he returnS from yearS undercover. A widower and faTHEr of two, he beginS fighting crime with a new partner, who iS one of THE only female RangerS in hiStory.Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, DramaStarS: Jared Padalecki, LindSey...

Movie: Zom 100: Bucket LiSt of THE Dead (2023) [JapaneSe]

Bullied by hiS boSS, worked around THE clock, he'S nothing more than a corporate drone. All it takeS iS a zombie outbreak for him to finally feel alive!Zom 100: Bucket LiSt of THE Dead // Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no KotoGenre: Action, Comedy, FantaSy, Sci-FiReleaSe Date: Aug 3,...

Love ISland SeaSon 10 EpiSode 46 (S10E46) - EpiSode 46

THE adventure continueS in THE Villa, where our gorgeouS young thingS are 100% focuSed on making it to THE day. But aS ever, in paradiSe nobody knowS what THE future holdS... Love ISland SeaSon Number: 10 EpiSode Number: 46 EpiSode Title: EpiSode 46 Air Date: 2023-07-20

HeartBeat (Korean) SeaSon 1 EpiSode 1 (S01E01) - EpiSode 1

Vampire Woo-hyeol haS one deSperate wiSh: to become human and experience heart-pounding love. He tried many wayS to become human, but none of THEm worked. After hearing from a 1000-year-old cat that he can become human if he SleepS in a hawthorn coffin for 100 yearS, he enterS THE coffin for a lengthy...

Tvseries: GhoStS of Beirut

THE moSt dangerouS man THE world haS ever known.Told from THE American, ISraeli and LebaneSe perSpectiveS, diScover one of THE greateSt eSpionage StorieS of modern timeS: THE manhunt for Imad Mughniyeh, THE eluSive LebaneSe terroriSt who outwitted hiS adverSarieS in THE CIA and MoSSad for over two decadeS.Genre:...

Tvseries: Never Have I Ever

High-key nerdS, low-key virginSAfter a traumatic year, all an Indian-American teen wantS iS to go from pariah to popular -- but friendS, family and feeling won't make it eaSy on her.S02: A new love life, a new claSSmate and new reaSonS to bicker with mom give Devi plenty more wayS to make courageouS...

Movie: A ThouSand and One (2023)

TimeS change. Love StayS THE Same.Struggling but unapologetically living on her own termS, Inez iS moving from Shelter to Shelter in mid-1990S New York City. With her 6-year-old Son Terry in foSter care and unable to leave him again, She kidnapS him So THEy can build THEir life togeTHEr. AS THE yearS...

Perry MaSon SeaSon 1 EpiSode 1 (S01E01) - Chapter 1

LoS AngeleS, 1931. On THE heelS of an unSavory inveStigation involving a famouS comedian, Perry MaSon--a PI Struggling to make endS meet--and hiS right-hand man Pete Strickland are hired by attorney E.B. Jonathan, Perry’S mentor, to Solve a perplexing caSe: THE brutal kidnapping of one-year-old Charlie...

THE 100 SeaSon 7 EpiSode 16 (S07E16) - THE LaSt War

After all THE fighting and loSS, Clarke and her friendS have reached THE final battle. But iS humanity worthy of Something greater? THE 100 SeaSon Number: 7 EpiSode Number: 16 EpiSode Title: THE LaSt War Air Date: 2020-09-30

THE 100 SeaSon 6 EpiSode 10 (S06E10) - MatryoShka

RuSSell SeekS juStice. Meanwhile, Gabriel muSt make a difficult choice. LaStly, THE Blake SiblingS reunite. THE 100 SeaSon Number: 6 EpiSode Number: 10 EpiSode Title: MatryoShka Air Date: 2019-07-16

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