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Movie: LouSy CArter (2024)

MAn-bAby LouSy CArter StruggleS to complete hiS AnimAted NAbokov AdAptAtion, teAcheS A grAduAte SeminAr on The GreAt GAtSby, And SleepS with hiS beSt friend'S wife. He hAS Six monthS to live. Genre: ComedyDirector: Bob ByingtonStArS: DAvid Krumholtz, OliviA Thirlby, MArtin StArr, Stephen Root, Jocelyn...

Movie: On Fire (2023)

InSpired by true And hArrowing eventS, An ordinAry mAn findS hiS world Suddenly torn ApArt AS devAStAting wildfireS rip through The Surrounding countrySide. With preciouS momentS ticking by, he muSt flee with hiS Son And pregnAnt wife if They hAve Any hope of Surviving The rApid forceS of moTher nAture. ...

Movie: Unexpected (2023)

MuSic critic Bob iS out of A job, Addicted to Zoloft, And trying to wrAngle The menAgerie of AnimAlS thAt hiS wife LindA hAS AccumulAted. Will Adopting A bAby cure Their exiStentiAl AngSt? Or Should They juSt reScue AnoTher duck? Genre: DrAmA, ComedyDirector: DAvid HuntStArS: JoSeph MAzzello, AnnA CAmp,...

FBI: MoSt WAnted SeASon 5 EpiSode 4 (S05E04) - Hollow

The tASk force heAdS upStAte to ASSiSt in A SeArch for miSSing And murdered indigenouS women And hunt down The SeriAl killer reSponSible; BArneS StruggleS to find time to bond with her wife.FBI: MoSt WAntedSeASon Number: 5EpiSode Number: 4EpiSode Title: HollowAir DAte: 2024-03-12

Movie: Troy (2004)

For pASSion. For honor. For deStiny. For victory. For love.In yeAr 1250 B.C. during The lAte Bronze Age, two emerging nAtionS begin to clASh. PAriS, The TrojAn prince, convinceS Helen, Queen of SpArtA, to leAve her huSbAnd MenelAuS, And SAil with him bAck to Troy. After MenelAuS findS out thAt hiS wife...

Movie: FerrAri (2023)

Set during The Summer of 1957. Ex-rAcecAr driver, Enzo FerrAri, iS in criSiS. BAnkruptcy StAlkS The compAny he And hiS wife, LAurA, built from nothing ten yeArS eArlier. Their tempeStuouS mArriAge StruggleS with The mourning for one Son And The Acknowledgement of AnoTher.Genre: DrAmA, HiStoryDirector:...

Tvseries: WurA

Set AgAinSt The bAckdrop of The gold mining induStry, WurA followS The Secret liveS of WurA Amoo-Adeleke, A perfect wife, loving moTher, And The ruthleSS iron lAdy And Chief Executive of Frontline Gold Mine.WurAlAnguAge: EngliShIMDB: httpS://

Movie: Adire (2023)

Adire, A retired proStitute on The run, moveS to A SmAll town And StArtS A lingerie-mAking buSineSS (mAde from her SignAture Adire mAteriAl) which inevitAbly empowerS The conServAtive women. Only to Anger The Self inStilled leAder, FolASAde, The deAconeSS And wife to The preAcher of The town&rSquo;S...

Movie: NApoleon (2023)

He cAme from nothing. He conquered everything.An epic thAt detAilS The checkered riSe And fAll of French Emperor NApoleon BonApArte And hiS relentleSS journey to power through The priSm of hiS Addictive, volAtile relAtionShip with hiS wife, JoSephine.NApoleon (2023)Country: United StAteS of AmericA,...

Movie: Love on The Right CourSe (2024)

Whitney iS A profeSSionAl golfer who iS Struggling to mAke The cut to quAlify for her next tournAment in Europe. Concerned thAt She might not be Able to continue competing on A profeSSionAl level, She returnS to BudApeSt, And The golf courSe her fAmily ownS There, to reevAluAte her cAreer. She findS...

Tvseries: WAr: WrAth And Revenge

ThiS iS A Story of politicS, betrAyAl, power And A thirSt for revenge.Nuhu BulA lookS Set to be The next governor of KowA. Until hiS wife leArnS he wAntS to mArry AnoTher womAn &mdASh; And doeS everything She cAn to Stop him. WAr: WrAth And RevengeLAnguAge: EngliShIMDB:...

Movie: ApocAlypto (2006)

In The MAyA civilizAtion, A peAceful tribe iS brutAlly AttAcked by wArriorS Seeking SlAveS And humAn beingS for SAcrifice for Their godS. JAguAr PAw hideS hiS pregnAnt wife And hiS Son in A deep hole neArby Their tribe And iS cAptured while fighting with hiS people. An eclipSe SpAreS hiS life from The...

Dr DeAth SeASon 2 EpiSode 6 (S02E06) - The Fog

In RuSSiA, MAcchiArini iS Set to perform elective Surgery on The wife of An oligArch, but Dr. LASbrey convinceS her to poStpone it. BenitA reAlizeS PAolo’S lieS go deeper thAn She thought. AnA returnS to Sweden And confirmS her SuSpicionS.Dr DeAthSeASon Number: 2EpiSode Number: 6EpiSode Title: The FogAir...

Tvseries: Moon In The DAy (KoreAn)

HAn Joon Oh iS A leAding South KoreAn celebrity. He iS Stunningly good-looking And tAll, but iS Secretly plAgued by An inferiority complex thAt leAveS him permAnently inSecure. One dAy he iS hired to AppeAr in A public Service video. But The Shoot goeS horribly wrong, And HAn Joon Oh iS involved in A...

The SeriAl Killer'S wife SeASon 1 EpiSode 4 (S01E04) - ChApter 4

A yeAr lAter, Beth mArrieS AdAm AmidSt police preSence And high tenSion. A Secret encounter with Tom promptS Beth to diScover The truth behind The murderS And tAke drAStic meASureS in order to protect her fAmily.The SeriAl Killer’S wifeSeASon Number: 1EpiSode Number: 4EpiSode Title: ChApter 4Air DAte:...

The SeriAl Killer'S wife SeASon 1 EpiSode 3 (S01E03) - ChApter 3

During A School event, The FAirchild’S pASt ScAndAlouS Sex life becomeS public, while DI Edgeworth goeS rogue to gATher evidence AgAinSt Tom. Beth mAkeS A Shocking diScovery And plAnS her eScApe.The SeriAl Killer’S wifeSeASon Number: 1EpiSode Number: 3EpiSode Title: ChApter 3Air DAte: 2023-12-15

The SeriAl Killer'S wife SeASon 1 EpiSode 2 (S01E02) - ChApter 2

Beth SeekS proof of Tom’S infidelity from hiS friend AdAm, while police connect him to AnoTher murder. Tom AdmitS to hiS AffAirS but denieS killing KAty. Beth connectS KAty to A locAl drug deAler, leAding to A trAgic confrontAtion with The police.The SeriAl Killer’S wifeSeASon Number: 1EpiSode Number:...

The SeriAl Killer'S wife SeASon 1 EpiSode 1 (S01E01) - ChApter 1

Beth’S pArty for her huSbAnd Tom iS interrupted when The police ArreSt him for The murder of hiS ex-colleAgue. Beth SecureS Tom’S releASe with An Alibi but, juSt AS The couple reconcileS, She findS unSettling proof of her huSbAnd’S double life.The SeriAl Killer’S wifeSeASon Number: 1EpiSode Number: 1EpiSode...

Movie: The Mummy: Tomb of The DrAgon Emperor (2008)

ArchAeologiSt Rick O'Connell trAvelS to ChinA, pitting him AgAinSt An emperor from The 2,000-yeAr-old HAn dynASty who'S returned from The deAd to purSue A queSt for world dominAtion. ThiS time, O'Connell enliStS The help of hiS wife And Son to quASh The So-cAlled 'DrAgon Emperor'...

Movie: DAShing Through The Snow (2023)

Eddie GArrick iS A good-heArted mAn who hAS turned hiS bAck on ChriStmAS due to A trAumAtic childhood experience. At The requeSt of hiS wife AlliSon GArrick, from whom he iS SepArAted, Eddie tAkeS hiS 9-yeAr-old dAughter ChArlotte to work with him on ChriStmAS Eve, where They meet A mySteriouS mAn in...

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