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Movie: SNAck ShArk (2024)

INsepArAble best frieNds AJ & Moose decide to ruN the locAl pool's sNAck shAck After their PlAN to sell home-brewed beer goes dowN the drAiN. ThiNgs tAke A turN wheN they meet Brooke, AN effortlessly cool lifeguArd who puts their big PlANs, ANd frieNdship, At risk. GeNre: ComedyDirector: AdAm RehmeierStArs:...

Abbott ElemeNtAry SeAsoN 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - WillArd R. Abbott

Abbott ElemeNtAry is deemed A PhilAdelphiA historicAl lANdmArk, much to AvA ANd JANiNe’s delight; however, BArbArA ANd MelissA Are Not As impressed. The school PlANs A celebrAtioN iN hoNor of its NAmesAke, but Not everythiNg goes As PlANNed.Abbott ElemeNtArySeAsoN Number: 3Episode Number: 6Episode Title:...

Movie: The FAmily PlAN (2023)

DAN MorgAN is mANy thiNgs: A devoted husbANd, A loviNg fAther, A celebrAted cAr sAlesmAN. He's Also A former AssAssiN. ANd wheN his pAst cAtches up to his preseNt, he's forced to tAke his uNsuspectiNg fAmily oN A roAd trip uNlike ANy other.DowNloAd The FAmily PlAN (2023)GeNre : ActioN, ComedyDirector...

Movie: JohN CArter (2012)

TrANsPlANted to MArs, A Civil WAr vet discovers A lush PlANet iNhAbited by 12-foot tAll bArbAriANs. FiNdiNg himself A prisoNer of these creAtures, he escApes, oNly to eNcouNter A priNcess who is iN desperAte Need of A sAvior.GeNre: ActioN | AdveNture | FANtAsyStArs: TAylor Kitsch, LyNN ColliNs ANd Willem...

Movie: The RetiremeNt PlAN (2023)

WheN Ashley ANd her youNg dAughter SArAh get cAught up iN A crimiNAl eNterprise thAt puts their lives At risk, she turNs to estrANged fAther MAtt, curreNtly liviNg the life of A retired beAch bum iN the CAymAN IslANds.The RetiremeNt PlAN (2023)GeNre: ActioN, Comedy, Crime, ThrillerReleAse DAte: 2023...

The WiNter KiNg SeAsoN 1 Episode 3 (S01E03) - Episode 3

Arthur tAkes GuNdleus prisoNer. Nimue struggles with the trAumA of her rApe ANd PlANs to kill GuNdleus. Arthur leArNs thAt GuNdleus’ uNcle Gorfydd is prepAriNg for wAr. Nimue tries to pull Derfel iNto her PlANs, but Derfel cAN’t betrAy Arthur.The WiNter KiNgSeAsoN Number: 1Episode Number: 3Episode Title:...

iCArly SeAsoN 1 Episode 12 (S01E12) - iThrow A FlAwless DiNNer PArty

CArly PlANs A diNNer pArty to help cleAr up her relAtioNship stAtus with Wes, but A glitchy App, HArper’s work problems, ANd SpeNcer’s love life iNtrude oN her perfectly PlANNed eveNiNg. iCArly SeAsoN Number: 1 Episode Number: 12 Episode Title: iThrow A FlAwless DiNNer PArty Air DAte: 2021-08-19

iCArly SeAsoN 1 Episode 6 (S01E06) - i’M Cursed

CArly mAkes PlANs to speNd her birthdAy AloNe iN AN Attempt to stAve off her dreAded birthdAy curse, but SpeNcer hAs differeNt PlANs. Freddie tries to recApture his youth. HArper’s idol leAves her Awestruck. iCArly SeAsoN Number: 1 Episode Number: 6 Episode Title: i’M Cursed Air DAte: 2021-07-08

The Idol SeAsoN 1 Episode 5 (S01E05) - JocelyN Forever

While PlANNiNg A showcAse for her upcomiNg tour, JocelyN begiNs to tAke coNtrol of the relAtioNships ArouNd her – much to Tedros’s dismAy. LAter, A meetiNg with JocelyN disrupts Nikki’s PlANs for DyANNe, As disturbiNg News About JocelyN’s ex emerges. The Idol SeAsoN Number: 1 Episode Number: 5 Episode...

Ghosts of Beirut SeAsoN 1 Episode 1 (S01E01) - EmergeNce

A youNg CIA tArgeter, LeNA AsAyrAN, coNNects A 2007 AttAck oN US forces iN IrAq to the CIA’s greAtest AdversAry, ImAd MughNiyeh. LeNA mANipulAtes A defector from IrAN iNto reveAliNg the murky origiNs of ImAd’s rise At 19 yeArs old. IN 1983, CIA officer Robert Ames believes he cAN force IsrAel to withdrAw...

Movie: Sisu (2023)

VeNgeANce is goldeN.Deep iN the wilderNess of LAPlANd, AAtAmi Korpi is seArchiNg for gold but After he stumbles upoN NAzi pAtrol, A breAthtAkiNg ANd gold-huNgry chAse through the destroyed ANd miNed LAPlANd wilderNess begiNs.Sisu (2023)GeNre: ActioN, WArReleAse DAte: JAN 27, 2023 (FiNlANd)StArs: JormA...

WAlker SeAsoN 3 Episode 17 (S03E17) - It Writes Itself

It’s AN excitiNg dAy for LiAm, StellA ANd the horse rescue As opeNiNg dAy is upoN them! TheN the boys Are off for A cAmpiNg trip while the lAdies PlAN A relAxiNg dAy At the spA...but NothiNg ever goes As PlANNed. WAlker SeAsoN Number: 3 Episode Number: 17 Episode Title: It Writes Itself Air DAte:...

Tvseries: The Ark

The eNd of oNe world. The begiNNiNg of the Next. Hope is Not A DestiNAtioN. It's A JourNey.100 yeAr iN the future, PlANetAry coloNizAtioN missioNs hAve beguN As A Necessity to help secure the survivAl of the humAN rAce. The first of these missioNs oN A spAcecrAft kNowN As Ark ONe eNcouNters A cAtAstrophic...

Night Court SeAsoN 1 Episode 11 (S01E11) - ReAdy or KNot

WheN the court is overruN with cAses from A weddiNg expo goNe Awry, the teAm looks to help Abby PlAN her weddiNg. A weddiNg PlANNer shows DAN the fiNer thiNgs iN life. OliviA ANd Gurgs wrestle over who will serve As mAid of hoNor. Night Court SeAsoN Number: 1 Episode Number: 11 Episode Title: ReAdy or...

Movie: Chor NikAl Ke BhAgA (2023) [INdiAN]

The perfect couple with A perfect PlAN, whAt could go wroNg? EverythiNg.A flight AtteNdANt ANd her boyfrieNd must steAl A cAche of diAmoNds to cleAr AN old debt - but the PlAN spiNs iNto A mAyhem wheN the PlANe gets hijAcked.Chor NikAl Ke BhAgA (2023)GeNre: Crime, DrAmA, ThrillerReleAse DAte: MAr 24,...

WAlker SeAsoN 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - FAlse FlAg (1)

StAkes Are high As Cordell, CAssie, CAptAiN JAmes ANd Trey All reAlize Grey FlAg’s PlANs ANd pArtNerships exteNd deeper thAN they oNce thought. While the WAlkers PlAN for the MAyor’s MedAl CeremoNy, Cordell struggles with missiNg out oN time with his kids As he focuses oN tryiNg to keep the whole city...

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