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Tvseries: The Artful Dodger

Set In 1850s AustrAlIA the serIes follows Adult double lIfe of ChArles DIckens' fAmous prInce of thIeves Dodger now A surgeon, but who cAn't shAke hIs predIlectIon for crIme.

Tvseries: Love Is for Suckers

A romAntIc comedy-drAmA depIctIng the sweet And sAlty reAlIty romAnce between 20-yeAr-old best frIends In theIr 30s who hAve no romAnce or flIrtIng.Goo Yeo Reum Is A televIsIon producer In the tenth yeAr of her professIonAl cAreer. Although she works hArder thAn most producers, the shows she mAkes All...

Grey's AnAtomy SeAson 19 EpIsode 1 (S19E01) - EverythIng HAs ChAnged

After A long sIx months, Grey SloAn MemorIAl hAs reInstAted Its resIdency progrAm. A group of tAlented And strIvIng young Interns hAs been recruIted As the AttendIng surgeons work to rebuIld the progrAm to Its former glory. MeredIth, stIll functIonIng As the InterIm chIef, sees NIck for the fIrst tIme...

The ResIdent SeAson 2 EpIsode 15 (S02E15) - Queens

Bell’s confIdence In QuovAdIs contInues to wAver when the poster chIld for one of Its medIcAl devIces, Henry BArnett, Is rushed bAck Into the ER, experIencIng seIzure-lIke symptoms. MeAnwhIle, MInA’s pAst comes to lIght when her mother, fAmous NIgerIAn surgeon Dr. Okeke, pAys A vIsIt to ChAstAIn, And...

The ResIdent SeAson 2 EpIsode 4 (S02E04) - About TIme

ChAstAIn Is flooded wIth concert goers when A stAmpede At A musIc festIvAl grounds leAves mAny In need of doctors. As ConrAd And NIc rAce to help Josh RobInson, A professIonAl Adventure guIde wIth A long lIst of prIor InjurIes, Devon works wIth A musIcIAn who sweArs he Is sober, even though hIs toxIcology...

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