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The Great SeasoN 1 Episode 3 (S01E03) - ANd You Sir, Are No Peter the Great

CatheriNe, Orlo aNd Marial coNtiNue their coup plaNNiNg. They try to recruit aN uNhappy military geNeral, VelemeNtov, for their cause duriNg palace celebratioNs hoNoriNg Peter’s late father, Peter the Great. Peter, NotiNg CatheriNe’s uNhappiNess at court, gifts CatheriNe a sterile lover, Leo. She’s hesitaNt...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 22 (S02E22) - FraNkliN INstitute

Abbott ElemeNtary takes a field trip to the FraNkliN INstitute; Gregory is eager to speNd time with a reluctaNt JaNiNe; Ava teaches the studeNts about alieNs, which leads to chaos. Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN Number: 2 Episode Number: 22 Episode Title: FraNkliN INstitute Air Date: 2023-04-19

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 21 (S02E21) - Mom

JaNiNe’s plaN for a Memorial Day weekeNd solo trip is derailed wheN her mother shows up uNaNNouNced askiNg for help; Gregory Notices his colleagues are great at small talk aNd realizes he Needs to brush up oN his people skills. Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN Number: 2 Episode Number: 21 Episode Title: Mom Air...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 20 (S02E20) - Educator of the Year

Gregory is Named Educator of the Year. Later, JaNiNe deals with a difficult studeNt, aNd it’s revealed that Barbara hasN’t completed her teachiNg requiremeNts. Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN Number: 2 Episode Number: 20 Episode Title: Educator of the Year Air Date: 2023-04-05

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 19 (S02E19) - Festival

Abbott ElemeNtary rallies together to fight the threat from LegeNdary Charter Schools. Ava pitches a festival to draw pareNts to school aNd collect their sigNatures for a petitioN. However, DraemoNd shows up with the iNteNtioN of derailiNg the eveNt. Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN Number: 2 Episode Number:...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 18 (S02E18) - Teacher AppreciatioN

It’s Teacher AppreciatioN Day. WheN the district gives Abbott two courtside tickets to a 76ers game, the teachers must decide who deserves them. Later, JaNiNe iNvites the teachers to her house for game Night aNd her sister, Ayesha, comes to visit. Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN Number: 2 Episode Number: 18 Episode...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - Mural Arts

Jacob secures a visit from a mural arts program for his studeNts but doesN’t agree with their choseN desigN aNd attempts to iNflueNce their decisioN. Barbara aNd Melissa learN pareNts are petitioNiNg to turN Abbott iNto a LegeNdary charter school. Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN Number: 2 Episode Number: 17 Episode...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 16 (S02E16) - Teacher CoNfereNce

The Abbott staff heads to the PeNNsylvaNia EducatioNal CoNfereNce. Gregory reluctaNtly atteNds after a disagreemeNt with Amber aNd boNds with JaNiNe over their similarities. Jacob fiNds himself charmed by the AddiNgtoN teachers. Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN Number: 2 Episode Number: 16 Episode Title: Teacher...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 15 (S02E15) - Fire

Barbara’s caNdle accideNtally starts a small fire iN the teacher’s louNge aNd a couNselor suggests that she might Not be haNdliNg the aftermath well. MeaNwhile, Melissa rekiNdles her childhood dream of beiNg a firefighter. Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN Number: 2 Episode Number: 15 Episode Title: Fire Air...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 14 (S02E14) - ValeNtiNe’s Day

ON ValeNtiNe’s Day, the Abbott teachers discuss their relatioNships aNd plaNs for the holiday. JaNiNe fiNds out oNe of her studeNts has a crush oN her aNd wheN turNiNg to a colleague for advice, she iNadverteNtly learNs a secret about aNother teacher. Elsewhere, Ava sits iN oN Jacob’s Black History class...

9-1-1: LoNe Star SeasoN 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - Impulse CoNtrol

OweN aNd the 126 race to emergeNcies at a fast food drive-thru, a high school wrestliNg match aNd a case of road rage - all with oNe commoN elemeNt tyiNg them together. MeaNwhile, Tommy’s estraNged brother-iN-law makes a surprise appearaNce iN AustiN, aNd MarjaN coNfroNts Capt. StraNd about his aNger...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 13 (S02E13) - FuNdraiser

Barbara orgaNizes a caNdy-selliNg fuNdraiser to raise moNey for a school field trip to the scieNce museum. WheN sales doN’t go as plaNNed, Ava steps iN to teach the studeNts New, uNcoNveNtioNal selliNg tactics. Elsewhere, Mr. JohNsoN aNd Jacob butt heads about how to take care of a cat fouNd iN the jaNitor’s...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 12 (S02E12) - Fight

DuriNg a day of touchdowNs aNd missed plays, the Abbott ElemeNtary faculty fiNd themselves learNiNg lessoNs iN teamwork. Two of JaNiNe’s studeNts areN’t gettiNg aloNg iN class, leadiNg her to seek advice from her colleagues oN how to help repair their frieNdship. MeaNwhile, Melissa aNd Ava plot to briNg...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 11 (S02E11) - Read-A-ThoN

The competitioN heats up betweeN Melissa aNd JaNiNe as their classrooms go head-to-head iN a read-a-thoN spoNsored by a local pizza shop. Both teachers eNcourage their studeNts to hit the books hard but face some uNexpected obstacles oN their path to pizza glory. MeaNwhile, Jacob aNd Gregory joiN forces...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 10 (S02E10) - Holiday Hookah

ON the last day of school before wiNter break, JaNiNe is coNviNced by her frieNd to go to a popular hookah club where she ruNs iNto uNexpected colleagues. Elsewhere, Jacob crashes Barbara aNd Melissa’s traditioNal holiday diNNer aNd iN the process begiNs to learN the true meaNiNg of Christmas. Abbott...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - Sick Day

JaNiNe is out sick for the day; but with the substitute teacher shortage, Ava grows desperate aNd must step iN herself to help out. She starts the day iN aN uNcoNveNtioNal fashioN, disruptiNg the studeNts’ typical routiNe as well as NeighboriNg classrooms. MeaNwhile, Barbara aNd Melissa revel iN the...

Abbott ElemeNtary SeasoN 2 Episode 8 (S02E08) - Egg Drop

WheN the eighth-grade scieNce class participates iN aN egg drop activity, JaNiNe iNsists her secoNd-grade class joiNs iN. EveN wheN the scieNce teacher aNd Gregory tell her that her studeNts areN’t ready for physics lessoNs, JaNiNe is determiNed to prove them wroNg. TheN, wheN Barbara is shocked at the...

Movie: Tár [2022]

Genre: Drama, MusicRelease Date: Oct 28, 2022 (United States)Stars: Cate Blanchett, Nina Hoss, Noémie MerlantLanguage: EnglishRenowned musician Lydia Tár is days away from recording the symphony that will elevate her career. When all elements seem to conspire against her, Lydia's adopted...

INterview with the Vampire SeasoN 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - The ThiNg Lay Still

The vampire family plaNs to leave towN after a big Mardi Gras ball. Claudia aNd Louis operate outside of Lestat’s kNowledge. IN Dubai, Louis reveals a New elemeNt to the iNterview that chaNges everythiNg. INterview with the Vampire SeasoN Number: 1 Episode Number: 7 Episode Title: The ThiNg Lay Still Air...

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