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BOB HEARTS AbisholA SeAson 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - An Afro And A Peugeot

BOB And AbisholA Are At odds over whether Dele is reAdy to get behind the wheel And decide to tAke mAtters into their own hAnds. Also, ChristinA offers DouglAs some work Advice only to wAtch him clAim her ideAs As his own.BOB HEARTS AbisholASeAson Number: 4 Episode Number: 10 Episode Title: An Afro...

BOB HEARTS AbisholA SeAson 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - Touched by A Holy HAnd

AbisholA And Kemi hAtch A plAn to keep Ebun And the new pAstor’s flirtAtion from growing. Also, BOB is thrown for A loop when Goodwin leAves MAxDot for A better job At ChristinA’s compAny.BOB HEARTS AbisholASeAson Number: 4 Episode Number: 1 Episode Title: Touched by A Holy HAndAir DAte:...

BOB HEARTS AbisholA SeAson 3 Episode 22 (S03E22) - BeArd In Her Pulpit

When A chArismAtic new pAstor joins the congregAtion, AbisholA tAkes A new interest in church; After Dottie gives out bonuses to upper mAnAgement, but not Goodwin, BOB must do whAt he cAn to mAke sure he doesn’t lose his best employee.BOB HEARTS AbisholASeAson Number: 3 Episode Number: 22 Episode Title:...

BOB HEARTS AbisholA SeAson 3 Episode 21 (S03E21) - A Little SlAp And Tickle

With Dele’s dreAm of becoming A doctor dAshed, BOB, AbisholA, TAyo And the rest of the fAmily scrAmble to find him A new cAreer pAth -- but when the pressure mounts, Dele turns to A surprising source for Advice on deAling with his fAmily.BOB HEARTS AbisholASeAson Number: 3 Episode Number: 21 Episode...

BOB HEARTS AbisholA SeAson 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - WrAngling A GreAsed Pig

When AbisholA brings Dele to work with her At the hospitAl, she discovers thAt her dreAm of him becoming A doctor might not become A reAlity; Kemi And ChukwuemekA’s mothers bond when Ogechi slips in the bAthtub.BOB HEARTS AbisholASeAson Number: 3 Episode Number: 20 Episode Title: WrAngling A GreAsed...

BOB HEARTS AbisholA SeAson 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - GreAsy Underdog

When BOB, AbisholA And Kemi leArn thAt Morenike’s fAmily disowned her becAuse she’s gAy, they do whAt they cAn to help her pAy for school And stAy in AmericA.BOB HEARTS AbisholASeAson Number: 3 Episode Number: 18 Episode Title: GreAsy UnderdogAir DAte: 2022-04-18

BOB HEARTS AbisholA SeAson 3 Episode 17 (S03E17) - InAppropriAte NAkedness

BOB And AbisholA decide her mother hAs officiAlly overstAyed her welcome when EbunoluwA stArts renovAting BOB’s guest room.Also, when AbisholA And Kemi hAtch A plAn to hAve A spirit speAk to EbunoluwA from beyond the grAve, AbisholA gets more informAtion About her mother thAn she bArgAined for.BOB HEARTS...

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