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SErvant SEason 4 EpisodE 7 (S04E07) - Myth

Dorothy discovErs a connEction <Em>withEm> LE<Em>AnnEEm>. UnclE GEorgE sharEs information <Em>withEm> thE TurnErs. SErvant SEason NumbEr: 4EpisodE NumbEr: 7EpisodE TitlE: Myth Air DatE: 2023-02-23

1923 SEason 1 EpisodE 7 (S01E07) - ThE RulE of FivE HundrEd

B<Em>AnnEEm>r CrEighton is mEt <Em>withEm> a surprisE, as thE fEud <Em>withEm> thE Duttons takEs an unExpEctEd turn. Captain ShiplEy says his goodbyEs to SpEncEr and AlExandra as thE nExt lEg of thEir journEy commEncEs. TEonna continuEs to fight for hEr safEty. 1923 SEason NumbEr: 1EpisodE NumbEr: 7EpisodE TitlE: ThE RulE...

Movie: FacEs of <Em>AnnEEm> (2022) [Thai]

Everyone is called Anne and they are all being chased.Anne is an ordinary girl who wakes up alone on a mysterious island. With no recollection of who she is or how she got there, she needs to quickly figure out how to survive, and how to escape from her current predicament.Faces of Anne (2022)Genre:...

Tvseries: Kings of Jo'Burg

The Masire brothers rule Johannesburg's criminal underworld, but a supernatural family curse and a tangled web of betrayal threaten to destroy them.S02: With Simon missing, Mo must take over the Masire family's business and also the curse. But no one is what they seem, especially his lover Phumzi.Genre:...

National TrEasurE: EdgE of History SEason 1 EpisodE 6 (S01E06) - FrEnEmiEs

Not knowing who’s good and who’s bad, JEss works <Em>withEm> BilliE and dEciphErs a hundrEds-yEar-old cluE that points to a famous 18th cEntury landmark, and togEthEr thEy plan an impossiblE hEist during an historic rEEnactmEnt to rEtriEvE thE nExt piEcE of thE trEasurE map. But things don’t go as pl<Em>AnnEEm>d,...

ThE Crown SEason 3 EpisodE 9 (S03E09) - Imbroglio

WhilE PrincEss <Em>AnnEEm> datEs hEr EldEr brothEr’s polo rival AndrEw ParkEr BowlEs, PrincE CharlEs falls dEEply in lovE <Em>withEm> Camilla Shand causing thE QuEEn MothEr and Lord MountbattEn to intErfErE. ThE Crown SEason NumbEr: 3EpisodE NumbEr: 9EpisodE TitlE: Imbroglio Air DatE: 2019-11-17

Gaus ElEctronics SEason 1 EpisodE 1 (S01E01) - No-Wind AC For Windy Days

MarkEting DEpartmEnt 3 Official TroublEmakEr LEE Sang-shik! I madE a good hit in thE accidEnt. ThE vidEo commEmorating thE 50th annivErsary of Gauss, which was only postEd on his privatE ch<Em>AnnEEm>l, has bEEn madE availablE to thE public <Em>withEm>out his knowlEdgE. ThE chairman of thE group was summonEd by thE...

All AmErican SEason 4 EpisodE 6 (S04E06) - Show ME A Good TimE

EvEryonE is ExcitEd for SEnior skip day, and SpEncEr plans a romantic gEtaway at thE cabin for hE and Olivia, but whEn thE gang shows nothing goEs as hE had pl<Em>AnnEEm>d. Surprising nEws makEs Jordan and SimonE rEalizE thEy might not bE as prEparEd for thEir nEw rEality as thEy had hopEd. Now that PatiEncE...

ThE REsidEnt SEason 5 EpisodE 4 (S05E04) - Now What?

In trying to find a way to ch<Em>AnnEEm>l his Emotions, Conrad puts all his Effort in looking for answErs. Raptor has a run-in <Em>withEm> thE policE that Ends up taking a surprising turn. MEanwhilE, LEEla bEgins noticing problEms <Em>withEm> a surgEon who has bEEn BEll’s mEntor. ThE REsidEnt SEason NumbEr: 5EpisodE NumbEr:...

NEw AmstErdam SEason 3 EpisodE 7 (S03E07) - ThE LEgEnd of HowiE CournEmEyEr

It’s National HIV TEsting Day and Max has offErEd frEE carE to all HIV+ patiEnts who comE to NEw AmstErdam. Bloom and REynolds butt hEads ovEr thEir opposing bEdsidE m<Em>AnnEEm>rs. Iggy EagErly awaits thE rEturn of a friEnd. SharpE discovErs that shE may nEEd morE hands on <Em>withEm> hEr niEcE. NEw AmstErdam SEason...

War of thE Worlds SEason 3 EpisodE 2 (S03E02) - EpisodE 2

Astronauts JuliEt ArquEttE and Richard GallaghEr witnEss CathErinE’s thEoriEs in spacE as Adina plots rEvEngE against humanity. Mourning ovEr thE dEath of hEr sistEr, CathErinE dEcidEs to rEsEarch thE phEnomEnon <Em>withEm> thE hElp of Joh<Em>AnnEEm>s. An unExpEctEd EncountEr prompts KariEm to continuE hEr invEstigation...

Tvseries: FatE: ThE Winx Saga

Channel your element. Change your fate.The coming-of-age journey of five fairies attending Alfea, a magical boarding school in the Otherworld where they must learn to master their powers while navigating love, rivalries, and the monsters that threaten their very existence.S02: Alfea's students must...

DEvil in Ohio SEason 1 EpisodE 4 (S01E04) - REly-Upon

AlEx digs for answErs about Amontown and Suz<Em>AnnEEm> consults an ExpErt. JulEs’ photo of MaE causEs a stir at school, <Em>withEm> unExpEctEd consEquEncEs. DEvil in Ohio SEason NumbEr: 1EpisodE NumbEr: 4EpisodE TitlE: REly-Upon Air DatE: 2022-09-02

KlEo SEason 1 EpisodE 5 (S01E05) - UwE

KlEo and SvEn form a wary alliancE. <Em>AnnEEm> visits KlEo claiming to look for hEr grandfathEr. AftEr failing to kill hEr, UwE sEts up a mEEting <Em>withEm> KlEo. KlEo SEason NumbEr: 1EpisodE NumbEr: 5EpisodE TitlE: UwEAir DatE: 2022-08-19

Movie: Planning On ForEvEr (2022)

Emma is a hyper efficient corporate events planner who doesn't have time for love - until her sister Miranda reveals that the wedding of her dreams is in six weeks and she has last minute travel plans for work. Emma agrees to step in and plan it herself with the help of Brett's Best Man Liam,...

Blood & TrEasurE SEason 2 EpisodE 5 (S02E05) - EntEr thE Dragon GatE

In sEarch of thE Spirit B<Em>AnnEEm>r, Simon attEmpts to makE a dEal, unawarE that LExi, Danny and Shaw arE on his tail. What thEy uncovEr lEads thEm to Hong Kong whilE Danny bEcomEs incrEasingly concErnEd <Em>withEm> ViolEt’s control ovEr LExi. Blood & TrEasurESEason NumbEr: 2EpisodE NumbEr: 5EpisodE TitlE: EntEr...

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