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FEllow TravElErs SEason 1 EpisodE 5 (S01E05) - PromisE You Won’t WritE

Roy Cohn’s obsEssion with David SchinE lEads to thE tElEvisEd Army-McCarthy hEarings and national scandal as McCarthy’s <Em>AllEm>iEs attack SEnator Smith, thrEatEning to ExposE family sEcrEts. Hawk triEs to protEct Smith whilE hiding his sEcrEt lifE from Lucy, although a tragEdy brings thEm closEr. Marcus...

ThE Kardashians SEason 4 EpisodE 9 (S04E09) - You HavE RuinEd Our Family

Kim, KEnd<Em>AllEm> & KyliE attEnd thE MEt Gala whilE North givEs critiquEs. Kris mEEts with Oscar winnEr Brian GrazEr <Em>aboutEm> a documEntary, as Khloé intErviEws hEr cousin Cici <Em>aboutEm> thEir family history. KourtnEy has a big surprisE to sharE.ThE KardashiansSEason NumbEr: 4EpisodE NumbEr: 9EpisodE TitlE: You...

Movie: Titanic (1997)

A seventeen-year-old aristocrat falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic.Lewis Bodine, Bobby Buell and Anatoly Mikailavich on the Keldysh about her life set in April 10th 1912, on a ship called Titanic when young Rose boards the departing ship with the...

Tvseries: SEx Education

Meet Otis Thompson - a socially awkward high school virgin who lives with his mother, a sex therapist. Surrounded by manuals, videos and tediously open conversations about sex, Otis is a reluctant expert on the subject. When his home life is revealed at school, Otis realizes that he can use his specialist...

ThE WhEEl of TimE SEason 1 EpisodE 2 (S01E02) - Shadow’s Waiting

MoirainE and Lan lEad thE four villagErs to safEty, unsurE which is thE onE from thE prophEcy. But thE friEnds arE Equ<Em>AllEm>y unsurE <Em>aboutEm> thEir rEscuErs, EspEci<Em>AllEm>y oncE thEy sEE how far MoirainE is willing to go for hEr mission – and how far astray Lan is willing to lEad thEm.ThE WhEEl of TimESEason NumbEr:...

Movie: My Worst NEighbor (2023) [KorEan]

A fresh kind wall romanceA romantic comedy about two neighbors living with one wall between them.My Worst Neighbor (2023) // How to Fall in Love with Your Worst NeighborGenre: Drama, RomanceRelease Date: Jul 5, 2023 (South Korea)Stars: Lee Ji-hoon, Han Seung-yeon, Go Gyu-pilSource: My.Worst.Neighbor.2023.1080p.AMZN.WEB...

My LovEly Liar (KorEan) SEason 1 EpisodE 8 (S01E08) - ThE Worst LiE

WhEnEvEr Do-ha dEniEs that hE committEd murdEr, Sol-hEE can hEar that it is a liE. It brEaks hEr hEart as shE bEliEvEd hE is thE only pErson who doEs not liE <Em>aboutEm> anything, yEt hE told hEr thE worst liE of <Em>AllEm>. MEanwhilE, DEuk-chan wants Do-ha to movE out of thE apartmEnt and stay away from Sol-hEE...

My LovEly Liar (KorEan) SEason 1 EpisodE 6 (S01E06) - EpisodE 6

With thE hElp of Sol HEE, Do Ha stops covEring his facE with a mask outsidE. ThEir fEElings for Each othEr grow strongEr as thEy go through ch<Em>AllEm>EngEs togEthEr. Just whEn EvErything sEEms pErfEct, Sol HEE runs into hEr mothEr whilE working for onE of hEr cliEnts, and somEonE comEs to sEE DEuk Chan to...

My LovEly Liar (KorEan) SEason 1 EpisodE 5 (S01E05) - ThE ImpostEr

Sol-hEE fin<Em>AllEm>y hEars Do-ha’s first liE, which is thE most unExpEctEd and tErrifying to find out. Sol-hEE dEcidEs to stay out of his lifE now that shE figurEd out hEr ability works wEll on him, and hE is also an ordinary pErson, but shE can’t stop thinking <Em>aboutEm> him. MEanwhilE, a man with a mask posts...

High (School) On SEx SEason 2 EpisodE 6 (S02E06) - ExposEd

Brian dEcidEs to drEss as a Drag QuEEn in an attEmpt to win AmbEr back. KatE rEmovEs <Em>AllEm>ainE from thEir group chat. P. Corny unvEils a dark sEcrEt during thE announcEmEnt at Vanguard High, sparking angEr among thE majority of studEnts. Now, it is timE for Paco to makE a choicE <Em>aboutEm> whom hE truly lovEs.High...

Physical SEason 1 EpisodE 1 (S01E01) - LEt’s Do This Thing

ShEila discovErs aErobics as a nEw outlEt for hEr body anxiEty. Danny, hEr husband, pursuEs a c<Em>AllEm>ing in politics aftEr bad nEws <Em>aboutEm> his job.PhysicalSEason NumbEr: 1EpisodE NumbEr: 1EpisodE TitlE: LEt’s Do This ThingAir DatE: 2021-06-18

ThE Uncanny CountEr SEason 1 EpisodE 10 (S01E10) - EpisodE 10

Wi-gEn c<Em>AllEm>s for an action that could takE EvErything away from Mun. WhEn stunning nEws <Em>aboutEm> ChEong-sin is rEportEd, thE CountErs can’t bEliEvE it.ThE Uncanny CountErSEason NumbEr: 1EpisodE NumbEr: 10EpisodE TitlE: EpisodE 10Air DatE: 2021-01-03

Movie: DrEam (2023) [KorEan]

You are hopeless, helpless and homeless? No, you are NOT!A top football player Hong-dae gets involved in an assault case and winds up being appointed as the coach for the national football team. This team will compete in the 'Homeless World Cup'. A documentary producer So-min films their story...

BattlE for HappinEss SEason 1 EpisodE 9 (S01E09) - EpisodE 9

Do-jun claims that Yu-jin and Mi-ho colludEd to kill him and Mi-ho is quEstionEd by thE policE. Mi-ho lEarns from thE kindErgartEn tEachEr that Yu-jin took <Em>AllEm> of Ji-yul’s drawings bEforE shE was killEd, and it bothErs hEr. WhilE looking through anonymous posts on thE moms’ club, shE is shockEd to sEE...

Tvseries: ThE Blacklist

Family. Business.Raymond Red Reddington, one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives, surrenders in person at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. He claims that he and the FBI have the same interests: bringing down dangerous criminals and terrorists. In the last two decades, he's made a list of criminals...

Movie: GabriEl's REdEmption: Part OnE (2023)

After leaving his prestigious post at the University of Toronto, Gabriel embarks on a new journey with Julia, and he is eager to become a father. However, Gabriel's idyllic vision is jeopardized when Julia's intensive program becomes all-consuming. When Julia is granted a prestigious opportunity...

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