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Tvseries: New AmsterdAm

Take care. Always.The new medical director breaks the rules to heal the system at America's oldest public hospital. Max Goodwin sets out to tear up the bureaucracy and provide exceptional care, but the doctors and staff are not so sure he can succeed. They've heard this before. Not taking no...

The LAst Ship SeAson 5 Episode 1 (S05E01) - CAsus BeLLi

Three yeArs After overcoming the gLobAL fAmine, the United StAtes NAvy is reAdy to unveiL its first fuLLy functionAL fLeet since the Red FLu pAndemic, but A new type of threAt mAy meAn the neXt worLd wAr. The LAst Ship SeAson Number: 5 Episode Number: 1 Episode TitLe: CAsus BeLLiAir DAte:...

The 100 SeAson 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - DAmocLes - PArt One

OctAviA LeAds her peopLe into wAr. WhiLe behind enemy Lines, our heroes must overcome their differences to sAve Wonkru from eXtinction. The 100 SeAson Number: 5 Episode Number: 12 Episode TitLe: DAmocLes - PArt OneAir DAte: 2018-07-31

The 100 SeAson 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - Sic Semper TyrAnnis

The growing frActures in Wonkru threAten to eXpLode once And for ALL. MeAnwhiLe, in ShAdow VALLey, Murphy stArts A fire, unLeAshing cAtAstrophic resuLts. The 100 SeAson Number: 5 Episode Number: 9 Episode TitLe: Sic Semper TyrAnnisAir DAte: 2018-07-10

The 100 SeAson 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - EXit Wounds

KAne’s Attempt to prove himseLf usefuL tests Wonkru’s ALLegiAnce to OctAviA. MAdi fAces An uneXpected threAt inside Wonkru, forcing CLArke to mAke An unLikeLy ALLy. The 100 SeAson Number: 5 Episode Number: 6 Episode TitLe: EXit WoundsAir DAte: 2018-06-05

Tvseries: ÉLite

When three working-class teens enroll in an exclusive private school in Spain, the clash between them and the wealthy students leads to murder.S02: In the wake of a classmate's death, a student vanishes, allegiances shift, new friends join the drama, and dark secrets become too difficult to contain.S03:...

Tvseries: The FAmiLy Business

Protect it at all Costs.By day, the Duncan's are an upstanding family who runs a thriving exotic car dealership in New York. By night, they live a dangerous secret life. When they come under siege the Duncan's will have to stick together or die separately.Carl Weber's The Family BusinessGenre:...

MAnifest SeAson 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - S.N.A.F.U.

With the detAined pAssengers secretLy moved And subjected to pAinfuL eXperimentAtion - And CAL’s heALth directLy Linked to them - Ben tAkes AdvAntAge of An oLd friend to find out where the pAssengers were tAken. MeAnwhiLe, A mysterious new version of the cALLing puLLs MichAeLA into A murder investigAtion...

MAnifest SeAson 1 Episode 6 (S01E06) - Off RAdAr

When CAL wAkes with A Life-threAtening fever, GrAce worries it’s A side-effect of his eXperimentAL cAncer treAtment, but MichAeLA And Ben suspect CAL’s condition mAy be reLAted to A mysterious pAssenger from FLight 828. As CAL’s situAtion worsens, Ben And MichAeLA Attempt to trAck down the now-missing...

TitAns SeAson 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - Doom PAtroL

GAr brings RAcheL home to his “fAmiLy” – A group of misfit medicAL eXperiments we’LL come to know As The Doom PAtroL (incLuding RobotmAn, NegAtive MAn And ELAstigirL). TitAns SeAson Number: 1 Episode Number: 4 Episode TitLe: Doom PAtroLAir DAte: 2018-11-02

TitAns SeAson 1 Episode 3 (S01E03) - Origins

RAcheL And Kory trAveL to the convent where RAcheL wAs rAised, whiLe Dick compAres his own orphAn eXperience to RAcheL’s. MeAnwhiLe, RAcheL befriends GAr LogAn. TitAns SeAson Number: 1 Episode Number: 3 Episode TitLe: OriginsAir DAte: 2018-10-26

S.W.A.T. SeAson 2 Episode 7 (S02E07) - InheritAnce

The SWAT teAm hunts for A bAnd of criminALs re-enActing the crimes of the infAmous Symbionese LiberAtion Army. Seeking eXpertise on the originAL crime spree in the 1970s, LucA And his fAther review the fiLes of LucA’s LAte grAndfAther who worked for SWAT during the erA of the originAL crimes. Hondo eXperiences...

S.W.A.T. SeAson 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - Never AgAin

The SWAT teAm tries to determine the neXt diAmond deALer to be robbed by A group of highLy orgAnized thieves eXecuting heists Across downtown Los AngeLes. When Hondo is emotionALLy Affected by A suspect’s deAth during the cAse, he seeks comfort from his mother. Street worries thAt his SWAT trAining AcAdemy...

S.W.A.T. SeAson 2 Episode 5 (S02E05) - S.O.S.

Hondo And LinA go undercover to infiLtrAte And tAke bAck A cruise ship thAt’s under siege by drug smuggLers who wiLL eXecute pAssengers if they detect poLice on boArd. Street enters the SWAT TrAining AcAdemy And finds the competition fiercer thAn he eXpected. S.W.A.T. SeAson Number: 2 Episode Number:...

S.W.A.T. SeAson 2 Episode 1 (S02E01) - ShAky Town

The SWAT teAm engAges in A stAndoff with humAn trAffickers hoLding chiLd hostAges when A mAjor eArthquAke hits Los AngeLes during their operAtion And compromises the tAkedown. Hondo forms An uneXpected personAL connection with Deputy District Attorney NiA WeLLs. Jim Street hAs troubLe Adjusting to his...

S.W.A.T. SeAson 1 Episode 22 (S01E22) - HoAX

A fAke 911 cALL puts Hondo And the SWAT teAm on the hunt to stop A white supremAcy group from eXecuting bombing AttAcks on LocAL communities. ALso, Street’s reLAtionship with his recentLy pAroLed mother, KAren, jeopArdizes his cAreer, And JessicA is thrown A curvebALL by her coLLeAgue, MichAeL PLAnk,...

S.W.A.T. SeAson 1 Episode 17 (S01E17) - Armory

As Hondo And SWAT work to de-escALAte A hostAge situAtion in which An eX-convict is hoLding A LocAL fAmiLy cAptive, the mission tAkes A dAngerous turn thAt impActs the teAm. ALso, when Street tires of his compLicAted romAntic entAngLements, he Agrees to Let Chris mAke over his onLine dAting profiLe. S.W.A.T. SeAson...

S.W.A.T. SeAson 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - Seizure

As the SWAT teAm goes inside A prison riot to rescue civiLiAn hostAges, Hondo suspects the inmAtes hAve An uLterior motive behind the uprising. ALso, when DeAcon’s wife, Annie, stops by heAdquArters to ceLebrAte DeAcon’s 10th AnniversAry with the SWAT division, her visit tAkes An uneXpected turn. S.W.A.T. SeAson...

ALL AmericAn SeAson 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - CALiforniA Love

At An eXpLosive homecoming dAnce, friendships in both CrenshAw And BeverLy wiLL be put to the test when decisions mAde by Spencer trigger An AvALAnche thAt drAsticALLy chAnges the course of severAL Lives. MeAnwhiLe, BiLLy finds himseLf forced to spend some quALity time with GrAce And defend his decision...

ALL AmericAn SeAson 1 Episode 6 (S01E06) - The Choice Is Yours

The return of LAyLA’s music moguL fAther gives Spencer the perfect opportunity to give bAck to CrenshAw And reunite with An increAsingLy distAnt Coop. But Coop’s deepening AffiLiAtion with ShAwn’s gAng threAtens Spencer’s good intentions. BiLLy, JordAn And Asher tAke A journey to MALibu to scout their...

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