A woman who was on a business trip gave birth to a son in her hotel bathroom, not knowing she was pregnant until she saw him in the toilet bowl.
Victoya Venise, of Louisiana, was experiencing stomach pains during her work trip in the Atlanta, Georgia area. She thought it was the same stomach bug that her four-year-old daughter was sick with, police said.
Venise went to the restroom and soon realized she did not have a stomach problem, but rather was in labor.
‘I turned around, and it was the baby, and I was like “gasp”‘, she told .
‘I hurried up, and I grabbed him out of the toilet.’
In shock, Venise first called her mother.
‘I found a towel and I wrapped him up. I was sitting on the toilet and I called my mom. I was like, “Mom, I just had the baby.” I was like “he fell in the toilet,”’ Venise said. ‘She was like, “Call 911, call 911.”’
After the dangerous delivery, which happened to be on April Fool’s Day, Venise went to a hospital, where she and her newborn, Rocky, were treated. They were discharged in good condition.
A single mother, Venise initially planned on putting Rocky up for adoption. But she soon had a change of heart.
‘I feel like the experience made me connected to him and made me want to keep him. So I’m going to keep him,’ she said.
‘It happened to teach me that you can do this. Even though I’m a single mom, you can take care of him. It gave me more courage and made me believe I can do this. If I can do that, I must be able to do a lot.’
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