Rudy Giuliani denied he was drunk on election night and slammed former Trump aides for saying so – before deleting his fiery tweets.
Giuliani, who was ex-President ’s personal lawyer, blasted former aides Jason Miller and Bill Stepien on Tuesday, a day after the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot played videos of their .
‘I think the mayor was definitely intoxicated,’ Miller said in a clip shown by the committee during its second public hearing on Monday.
Giuliani hit back by tweeting: ‘I am disgusted and outraged at the out right lie by Jason Miller and Bill Steppien (sic). I was upset that they were not prepared for the massive cheating (as well as other lawyers around the President) I REFUSED all that evening.’
The former New York City mayor added that his favorite drink is Diet Pepsi.
In another tweet, Giuliani questioned whether Miller and Stepien were ‘paid’ to say what they did to the committee.
‘Is the false testimony from Miller and Steppien (sic) because I yelled at them? Are they being paid to lie?’ Giuliani tweeted.
Both tweets were deleted within hours on Tuesday.
On Monday, committee vice chair Rep Liz Cheney previewed witness testimony by saying that ‘President Trump rejected the advice of his campaign experts on election night and instead followed the course recommended by an apparently inebriated Rudy Giuliani to just claim he won and insist that the vote counting stop to falsely claim everything was fraudulent’.
Miller in his taped testimony told committee members that he did not know the level of Giuliani’s intoxication when he spoke to Trump.
‘Mayor Giuliani was saying, “We won it. They’re stealing it from us. Where did the votes come from? We need to go say that we won” and essentially anyone who didn’t agree with this position was being weak,’ Miller continued.
Giuliani is known to like alcohol but has denied being an alcoholic.
‘I love Scotch. I can’t help it. All of the malts. And part of it is cigars – I love to have them with cigars. I’m a partyer,’ Giuliani told magazine in 2019.