A man whose wife sent him on an errand to buy hot dogs went home with a lottery ticket that earned him more than $100,000. Joseph Bednarek bought the winning lottery ticket at Pick ‘N Save in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
While at the store for ‘hot dogs and other groceries’ his wife Ellen requested, Bednarek noticed a sign for the Badger 5 jackpot at $96,000.
‘Joseph said after checking out, he saw the high Badger 5 jackpot on the Lottery sign and bought USD 10 worth of ,’ the Wisconsin Lottery stated.
‘And I looked, I backed up and saw $96,000. All I had left was a $10 bill. Normally I buy five and I went there and, “Oh well, give me $10 worth,”‘ said Bednarek, according to .
‘I don’t know why I did it. Because it was in the 90-some thousands.’
Bednarek then went home with the hot dogs, before he ‘checked his numbers the next day and realized he had gone on a very lucky grocery run as he held the jackpot-winning ticket’, according to the Wisconsin Lottery.
‘I just kept looking at it. What did I do wrong? Did I write them down wrong? I called up two or three times, the lottery hotline, they give you all the numbers,’ said Bednarek.
He then called his wife.
‘I looked at the numbers and I go, “these match,”‘ she said.
Bednarek’s $107,000 win during the grocery run took place on March 22.
Badger 5 is a lottery game in Wisconsin only. The odds of winning the jackpot are one in 169,911. The rolling jackpot starts at $10,000 and tickets are $1 per play.
Bednarek is ‘retired and plans to use the winnings to complete house repairs and add to savings’, the Wisconsin Lottery stated. That includes replacing the roof and paying off a camper.
‘The rest of the few thousand we’ll probably fill up our gas tank 10 times,’ Bednarek said with a laugh. ‘That’ll be it.’
The most that Bednarek had ever won in a lottery previously was $400.
With Bednarke’s win, the Badger 5 jackpot has gone back down to $10,000.