Rutherford Falls creator Sierra Teller Ornelas has spilled the beans on season two of the epic sitcom, revealing the wildest situations that the beloved residents get themselves into.
The series premiered on Peacock last April, following the story of Nathan Rutherford (Ed Helms) as he fights against the moving of a historical statue of his ancestor – which ends up sparking a conversation about ancestry with his Native best friend Reagan Wells (Jana Schmieding), who is forced to juggle their friendship against the loyalty to her people, the Minishonka Nation.
The first season concluded with Nathan fleeing to ‘find himself’, after learning the truth about his family heritage – and that he wasn’t actually a descendent of the town’s founder after all.
After what feels like months of waiting, season two is released on Peacock on June 27 in the UK, and Sierra and Micheal Greyeyes – who plays Terry Thomas – spoke to about what is in store for fans.
‘I think in season two, we really are leaning into the comedy and the ensemble of these characters,’ Sierra said. ‘We ended season one by blowing Nathan’s life up and seeing Terry and Reagan level up in this major way.
‘Season two is really about the fallout of all of those situations and relationships – what does having it all really look like? Is it actually harder sometimes than having nothing and starting from scratch?’

‘For Terry, I think one of the beautiful things that happens to him in season two is that he faces really significant obstacles,’ Michael teased. ‘It’s like, be careful what you want as you may surely get it. He has it, he has the expansion of the casino and all that that entails – and it’s a tremendous burden.
‘He’s got broad shoulders but the obstacles that he faces is really beautiful because we get to see him in a really vulnerable way.
‘We get to see how he’s connected and the things that have affected him, that have affected his wife, Renee, especially through the character of Feather Day, who’s a new character played by Kaniehtiio Horn. She’s so fantastic.
‘So we get to see them in conflict and we get to see them struggle, and I think that’s a really beautiful part of the show’s development.’

Season two of the comedy was released earlier this month in the US, and will be coming to Peacock in the UK very soon.
However, while many of the new episodes will focus on the fall-out from Terry’s already-iconic battles with Feather and Nathan’s return to his home, there is something that was eventually scrapped from the plot that we’re desperate to see.
‘Terry’s character within a band called Rage Fuel in the 90s, like a Soundgarden-esque band,’ Sierra let slip.
‘We were supposed to have a reunion and it just did not work unfortunately with the episode that it was placed in, and so it got scrapped.
‘But I’m very excited to see Terry at the mic, just rocking out.’
We absolutely need to make this happen.
‘That would be so much fun,’ Michael laughed. ‘This season had such varied, beautiful storylines. Again, they were topical, they were impactful to us.
‘In episode two, there’s a really brilliant narrative around identity appropriation. I think the way the show threaded the needle by talking about how that really impacts us so negatively, [they] thread the needle with this beautiful incisive humor about what that means to us.
‘Again, that’s something the show does so beautifully. I’m excited to share that with audiences.’
On whether we could ever get our hands on a third season, the pair were delighted by the thought of returning to Rutherford Falls once more.
‘Oh my god, I would love it. We premiere season two [on] June 16 in the States and depending on viewership and a bunch of algorithm math I don’t understand, [that] will point us to our future,’ Sierra added.
‘But it’s been such an honor to make these 18 episodes. I hope we get to make 10 more seasons.
‘I feel like we have so many more stories to tell with these characters and it’s like we’re just getting started.’
Rutherford Falls season 2 premieres on Monday, June 27 on Peacock, exclusively on Sky and NOW.